Characteristics of people who don't reach out

Characteristics of people who don't reach out

Characteristics of people who don't reach out

How often should you reach out to keep in touch to maintain a good relationship? Maintaining a good relationship with people is a lot of work, even if it's not strictly for networking purposes. Most people don't reach out to friends and coworkers unless something special happens. However, this is a very bad habit. It gives others the impression that you're only available when you need them. And yet, most people make this mistake over and over again. Successful people are excellent communicators and genuinely love to interact with people. However, there are definitely people who are not great communicators, and what should they do? For them, here are three tips on how to use less energy and maintain good relationships with people.

First, be curious

One of the reasons we don't take the time to say hello to others is because we're not curious about their lives. Even if we are, we don't feel the need to say hello because we have a general idea of how they're doing through their social media accounts and profiles, but this can lead to a long period of awkwardness. Be curious about the other person. If you have the time, why not ask them about their life lately? I'm sure they'll appreciate you reaching out to them.

Second, be persistent

If you put a lot of energy into reaching out once, you'll be reluctant to do so often. The most important part of a good relationship is consistency. Keep it casual and ask them about something they've been wondering about, or get into a conversation about their hobbies. Even if you only see each other once a year, that kind of consistency can make a relationship last a long time.

Third, don't have expectations

One of the reasons people feel resentful is because they don't think they've given as much as they've received. But favors aren't about expecting anything in return. You reach out because you're curious, and they might be nervous. But you don't have to let that hurt you and close yourself off from everyone. Some people find it awkward, while others are thrilled to hear from you, and once you realize that, you'll be even more grateful for the person who is thrilled to hear from you after a long time.


Sincerity rubs off on the other person, and good relationships are effortless if you keep continuity in mind and treat them with curiosity. Instead of trying to get something in return, why not just reach out when you think of someone today?

