What to do when someone betrays you.

What to do when someone betrays you.

There are times in life when you're betrayed. I've been in relationships where I thought I trusted the other person and had a really good relationship with them, but even in those relationships, I've been betrayed. The feelings of betrayal are naturally complex and nuanced. But this flow of emotions, starting with what I did wrong and ending with the other person's anger, is kind of eating away at me.

It's natural to feel sad and angry because you've been hurt, and it's natural to feel resentful and hateful toward the person who betrayed you. But not everyone feels the same way, so it's only natural to feel betrayed. No matter how much you think about it, it's already happened, and it's too far gone to turn back. It's not something you can fix, so it's best to stop looking for it.

So what should you do when you've been betrayed? Ironically, the best thing to do when you've been betrayed is to play it cool and let the person off the hook. Sound like a jerk? Not at all. Your anger is actually making you more of a jerk because you can't get anything done. The more anger you have in your life, the more empty it becomes.

One day, you may betray or have betrayed someone. Human beings are weak. Time will take care of the past. If you are betrayed by someone, it's better to think, "It's just something that happens," and move on. In the long race of life, anger can be an obstacle. It's stupid to let those feelings of anger eat away at you when you didn't do anything wrong.
