What to do when you feel like your life is worthless

A year and a half has passed. How many of you can confidently say that this year was different from last year

A year and a half has passed. How many of you can confidently say that this year was different from last year? When you think about it, every day was the same, and nothing much changed. All too often, no matter how old you are, you look back and realize that you haven't done anything. This can make life feel very empty and demotivating. How can you get rid of this feeling?

If you feel like your life is passing you by without doing anything right, there's a mindset you need. Consciously decide to do something today that will make you feel good about yourself. It could be taking up a new hobby, or organizing your room. The important thing is that you choose one thing to do today that will make you feel good about yourself and stick to it. And write a line in your calendar every day about how you did it.

The truth is that life doesn't change much, so we get used to the lack of novelty. The moment we recognize the tedious repetition of the things we have to do, and the moment we think that nothing is going to change, we feel the emptiness of life. That's why you should consciously do at least one new thing a day. And when you write it down, you can look back on it later and realize that at least you didn't waste time doing nothing.

The only way to get rid of the feeling of emptiness in your life is to make a conscious effort. These two small efforts - trying to create something new and somehow documenting it - can go a long way in reducing the feeling of futility. There's nothing quite like creating something that hasn't existed before. Don't live in a rut. Find something you can challenge yourself to do, starting today, and make sure you finish at least one of them.
