
What to do when you feel like your life is worthless

A year and a half has passed. How many of you can confidently say that this year was different from last year? When you think about it, every day was the same, and nothing much changed. All too often, no matter how old you are, you look back and realize that you haven't done anything. This can make life feel very empty and demotivating. How can you get rid of this feeling? If you feel like your life is passing you by without doing anything right, there's a mindset you need. Consciously decide to do something today that will make you feel good about yourself. It could be taking up a new hobby, or organizing your room. The important thing is that you choose one thing to do today that will make you feel good about yourself and stick to it. And write a line in your calendar every day about how you did it. The truth is that life doesn't change much, so we get used to the lack of novelty. The moment we recognize the tedious repetition of the things we have to do, and the moment w

What do I need to keep adding to make it better?

Take a look at your remote control. How many of the features on it do you actually use? Chances are, the features you actually use on your remote are power, volume, channel, and external input switching. On paper, it sounds great to have a remote that does everything, but in practice, the more features you have, the less intuitive it is to use. Keeping things complicated doesn't provide convenience. No matter how good a feature is, if it's hard to use, it won't be used. This is an immutable truth. Steve Jobs revolutionized smartphones by making them simple to use with tons of features. It's not about adding a lot of features. It's all about how easy it is to use. In other words, you survive by subtracting rather than adding. This is a concept that can be applied to everyday life as well. What you really need to do is obsess over what not to do, not what to do. Pay attention to the value of subtraction rather than the value of addition. It's easy to add, but it&#

What you get when you see the obvious again

To create new innovations, you need to access the essence. It's usually about looking at something familiar from a different perspective, and it takes practice to get good at it. In the planning team of a large company, they have an exercise where they look up the etymology of a word before they start planning for something. Some might think this is a waste of time, but it's a way to get to the essence. For example, how would you talk about the difference between planning and scheming? If you look at the kanji for planning, there are people involved. But planning doesn't have a person. The idea is that planning is something people do, and planning is something people don't do. If we approach these familiar words carefully, we can find new facts that we didn't know before. Insights don't come to those who ignore them because they seem simple. Think of it this way: something that seems simple to you now is thousands of pieces of knowledge that have been distilled,

Why you should say thank you to yourself

Do you tend to thank others for their help, even when things don't go well? If you're good at thanking people, have you ever thanked yourself for a job well done? More people than you might think are happy and grateful only when they get the results they were aiming for. If it didn't go as well as they thought it would, they just move on. But whatever you do, you should start with gratitude and end with gratitude, regardless of the outcome. Even if it's a miserable outcome, even if it's a disappointing outcome, you put in the time and other people put in the time. You deserve to be thanked for your hard work. Not only to the people you worked with, but also to yourself for taking on the challenge and deciding to do it. That way, you're more likely to do better next time. It's always disappointing when something doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to. But the older we get, the more we realize that things don't always go our way. A lot of things dep